Training Smarter

April 28, 2010

I love technology. Mostly it makes our life easier, but sometimes crazier because we are always connected.

We are bringing more technology to Core Fit ‘N Motion. I know I’ve written about this before, but we are implementing the Suunto Heart Rate Monitoring System. I got word today that is has shipped from Finland and we should have it next week! This system will allow everyone to tailor their individual training program to get the most of each workout. During the workout each member will see their heart rate on a large screen TV. Following each workout, each member will be emailed a summary report for their workout. As a group, I will have access to a summary report to get information on the group effect of the workout, allowing for more effective periodization in our training program.

For those of you wanting to see more on the system, check out the video on this link:

What Exactly Is The Core?

April 21, 2010

 The core is the beginning point for movement and the center of gravity for the body.  The muscles of the core are divided into two categories:  stabilization and movement.  Stabilization muscles include the transversus abdominis, internal oblique, lumbar multifidus, pelvic floor muscles, diaphragm and transversospinalis.  Movement muscles include the latissimus dorsi, erector spinae, iliopsoas, hamstrings, hip adductors, hip abductors, rectus abdominis, and external oblique.  Many individuals have developed the movement muscle group of their core but not the deep stabilization muscles required for lumbar-pelvic-hip stabilization.  This leads to lack of stabilization and unwanted motion of the individual vertebrae.   The unwanted motion increases forces throughout the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex that may result in low back pain and injury.  Training needs to begin from the inside (stabilization) out (movement).  Core stability allows for distal mobility (throwing, kicking , jumping, batting…).

At Core Fit ‘N Motion we work both systems. Whether we do a targeted exercise such as the plank, or another exercise such as the Overhead Squat or Windmill, we are working the stabalization system. Other exercises such as the Russian Twist, Reverse Crunch or Hanging Leg Raises work the mobilization system. Come join a class and work your ENTIRE Core!

Delano Business Expo Winners!

April 12, 2010

We had a great day on Saturday at the Delano Business Expo. It was a beautiful day outside but still quite a crowd came through. Here are the winners of our door prize drawings:

Water Bottles:        

Shelly Hayes

Sara Hohlen                                                                                           

Nicole Bressler                 

Lois Rusch                                                                                        

Dan Stolfe                     

Draw String Bags:

M P O’Loughlin

Donna Vegelpohl

Gail Runke

Beata Zerull

Cheryl Pelkey

Prizes can be picked up at Core Fit ‘N Motion during regular business hours.  Thanks to everyone who stopped by for information or just to say hi!

Here are your winners!

April 6, 2010

Lynette and Joe both came to the celebration to see who would be drawn as the winner of the March contest. I suprised them, and made them both winners of the Dick’s Sporting Goods gift cards. Both Joe and Lynette came 21 times. That was 7 times more than the next closest attendee (of which there were two). The second place finishers are both 6 am’ers. They came every Monday, Wednesday and Friday available in March – true consistency. Joe and Lynette however, came whenever they could. As the competition raged on, they even came twice a day to workout.

We will be closed Saturday due to the Delano Business expo. I hope to see you all there.

For April are having another contest. The person with the most referrals will receive a 10 punch golf card for River’s Edge (B’s On The River).



It’s a Tie!

April 1, 2010

Lynette pulled it off and came twice on Wednesday to tie Joe with 21 classes in March. That means Saturday we will have a drawing for the winner at the month end celebration with Subway, chair massages and beverages. Hope to see you all there!